Monday, March 4, 2019

More Leaders

Because those are the types of people you want on your side. Could just as easily read because those are the types of athletes you want on your team. We are taking the metaphorical route today in comparison of the common traits that both parties exhibit. The habits of highly successful human beings, be they managers of commerce or competitions. There are commonalities. 

The CEO shares the same skill set with the athlete of extraordinarily high ACQ. She must be savvy - not necessarily in conventional rankings of IQ, but more in terms of street smarts. He must understand and hold mastery over every detail of his business - be that manufacturing widgets or maintaining dynamic flow in the heat of competition. Leadership qualities,  (as we discussed this morning in class) can be grouped into three broad categories:

The Trailblazer. Willing to take the lead and go first, to explore, to risk. 
The Ferryman. Helping others cross the Rubicon of doubt, fear and the obstacles thereof.
The Shepard. Willing to keep the flock safe and engaged while grazing towards improvement.

These three, taken from Buddhist teachings, illustrate three potential paths of successful leadership. I will make the allegorical leap of faith and assume that you might be interested in assuming leadership of your group, company, community, team or for starters, your fine self. For as every true leader knows, the better his or her team does, the better his or her chances of goal obtainment. 

Should I, as leader, work to become a better one? Is my primary obligation to myself to demonstrate the habits, the arts, the methodologies and wear the visage of leadership in the hope of developing more soldiers, sailors, servants or sergeants? NO. My sacred duty is in creating more leaders. Giving them the skills, the practice, the techniques and the training necessary for them to assume similar responsibilities with others. All three prototypes lead by example. I will go first and show the way. I will take you there. I will oversee your safety as you labor and study. 

Which camp are you currently in? Are you still a fired-up trailblazer of human potential, relentlessly moving towards a dream of passion and peace? Have you committed to the safe transportation of your peers to higher ground? Are you protecting those whose who seek your benevolence and bravado, as they toil at their own pace towards continual improvement? 

If you selected one of the above you are a leader and people look to you for direction. Accept this. Own it. Show the way. Lead by doing. Learn more. Travel. Ask good questions. Be patient (not everyone is ready for the responsibility and power of leadership.)

Those who have the desire to move towards the light, who will sacrifice for the common good, who will fearlessly defend the oppressed and see the truth, are the people I want on my side and on my team. 

Blaze the trail, pick up the oar or guard the flock. 

We need more leaders. 

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