Thursday, August 15, 2019


Following is the list of the locations of my ten sleeps. The tally was 2,700 miles in 10 days, round trip. Although not exactly as the crow flies, this total mileage number is indicative of what a truly exceptional adventure this route presents. You should try it. Soon. 

Sat, Aug 3: Lake Cushman, WA (Staircase Park)
Sun, Aug 4: Neskowin, OR
Mon, Aug 5: Florence, OR (Lake Wohink)
Tue, Aug 6: Brookings, OR (Harris SP)
Wed, Aug 7, Crescent City, CA
Thu, Aug 8, Garberville, CA (Redwoods)
Fri, Aug 9, Stewart’s Point, CA
Sat, Aug 10, Aptos, CA (turn-around)
Sun, Aug 11, Fortuna, CA (see detail below)
Mon, Aug 12, Astoria, OR

There is some discrepancy with the distances between the nightly camping sites. As you may know by now it is my methodology to sleep on the cheap. I refuse to succumb to the activity known as ‘motel camping’, where one is subject to all variations of seasonal price gouging, minimum stays and general blandness (but please do not overlook the wonderful continental breakfasts and plenty of free parking.) Boo. Also, most all of the parks that offer camping along this well-traveled route are full this time of year. To ensure this, it is apparent policy to post (and often enforce) rules stating that day use only means closed (locked) from 10P to 6A. The saving grace is that showers are available to non-campers as long as one uses said facility during off-peak hours. If you Google the parks in the area of intended usage, this important data is mentioned. Logistics, cost, amenities are all subject to change from park to park. I am still undecided whether a tepid but free shower is a better deal that unlimited hot water for two bucks. 

Rest stops are few and far between, nowhere near the regularity of I-5 stops, BUT, the Oregon rest areas have an eight hour policy, meaning that one can get in a good sleep as long as said rest is limited to eight in any twenty-four hour period. So squatting and weekends are out. How this is monitored is still a question without legitimate answer. I would be surprised if they video surveil just to enforce a free stay. But you never know. 

As with all cheap sleeps, there is the issue of safety. We run into some sketchy characters out there (hello Southern Oregon and Northern California), but I refuse to generalize or stereotype by mere appearance alone. After all, someone pushing a shopping cart filled with junk, in need of a shower hair cut and a balanced meal, is not necessarily a terrorist, axe murderer or meth-head. However, to the guy, meeting this description, that tried to pinch my bike as I slept, I am sorry that I questioned your intentions and integrity. And no I am not with the CIA. 

Be safe. Be aware. Be visible. And lock your gear securely even if you are sleeping inside the van where your bike is locked to the rack and the rack locked to the van. 

This is a risk I will gladly take. To me, it is the only way to go. Take a look again at the list of destinations detailed above and put an estimated price on accommodations. I learned in Europe a long time ago that the less I spend the longer I can stay (that was when $5/day was possible.) Here is the total amount I spent on accommodations over the 10 days:


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