Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Ditch the Car

We were absorbing the meaning and potential of the latest cheesy acronym, AO, appropriate to the occasion, when an interesting side possibility popped up as if crawlin' from the wreckage. Contextually centered on pragmatics, how we use it, the thread evolved from consideration to application. Or what was once asked ‘what do we do with this?’

It has long been understood, although not universally, that people come into our lives for specific reasons - the trick, the secret, being our ability to recognize this and determine what that reason is - and put it into play. Love, learning, mentorship, guidance, proliferation, procreation, peace, companionship among the many reasons. If this is universal fact, then could not ideas, thoughts, be in the same category? Consider:

A random thought magnetically finds its way into our consciousness. Call it the light coming on or getting hit by an inspirational bolt of lightening, whatever metaphor suits your style, and this thought stops all tangential autonomous thinking (usually on default cruise control) as we wonder A) Where THAT came from, and B) What does it mean, what is the literal translation, and C) What do I do with it?

Surely in the grand design the organic engineering includes a filter specifically designed to address this circumstance. My instant flow of consciousness filter was just activated and suggested that perhaps this is the reason that meditation is so powerful a tool. It cuts through the myriad layers of crap that we have developed over many decades of neglect, mostly as defense mechanisms but equally as often as bias filters. We see examples of this every day as we watch the news cycles spin wildly out of control like beach balls in a hurricane.

Yet that ONE thought has made its way, perhaps magically or maybe miraculously to the point in our hypothalamus that allows cognitive reasoning and abstract thought. And we harrumph, and scratch our chins until a dead-end (no outlet) sign indicates that passage is impossible. UNLESS WE DITCH THE CAR AND WALK.

Then we can get there. The possibility was there all along, all we had to do was use non-conventional means to make it. Like an exciting and energetic new person strolling into our lives or the flash-bang of inspiration, everything changes. We take one more giant step upward for evolutionary possibility. There is a solution. An answer. An alternative. A better way. A kinder way.

Gifted, trained, talented, successful people know this. They let it roll, open up to the cosmic energies that connect us with universal truths and the creative imperative. They have a skill set that keeps them on the right path, despite the relentless physic stress lobbed their way by corrupt and greedy bullies. They are not susceptible to hate speech or fear mongering. They have fully developed bull shit detectors and state-of-the-art truth meters. It is a very high frequency.

At one point in the development of this model, they recognized the power of the present and welcomed those of like mind who shared the dream, wanting to turn that sleeping vision into a waking reality. They had an idea. They examined it closely. They did not allow distraction. With lazer-like focus they worked out the calculation on the white board. They asked each other ‘why not?’

Why not?

Why not good health and optimum fitness? Why not clean water and air, fresh fruits and whole grains? Why not peace and temperance? Why not care and compassion? Why not love and sustainability over hate and fear? Why not truth?

Is not the question appropriate to this occasion?

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