Saturday, August 3, 2019


Whitey is packed. Spin class is over. Today is the day. Now is the moment. 

I am off for the 101TDI, the Highway 101 Ten Day Intensive cycling tour covering Washington, Oregon and California. Due to my lack of leading a successful marketing campaign the trip, once hailed as the 2019 Epic Ride, starting in Seattle and ending in Santa Monica, CA (the place of my birth), covering almost 1,600 coastal miles, has been reduced in both distance and days. From 1,600 to 850 and 21 to 10. I am going solo. Here is the game plan:

In a matter of hours, as soon as the laundry is done, we depart beautiful Bainbridge Island, WA and head for 101 South in my 2010 Ford Transit Connect, nicknamed Whitey Ford, because of its color, make and personality. First stop, besides WalMart for oil, windshield wash fluid and water, is Hoodsport. We will make base camp there, off-load my bike and ride up Lake Cushman Rd to the base of Staircase. Up top we’ll shoot some video, hike back down, return to Whitey and download the days video. 

This process will be repeated for eight more days along the coast until we reach The City, San Francisco. A quick turn and two day highway hump back up the coast, exploring a few new routes, will complete the trip. I am looking at it as a vacation but it will serve a few other purposes as well.

1) Video capture to create a TDI video outline. 
2) A retreat. Nothing like an ocean sunset to restore low batteries.
3) Quiet time. I need a break. 
4) Visit old friends in Florence and Crescent City.
5) Spend a day in Brookings, OR shooting b-roll and conducting interviews. 
6) Field test the hybrid logistics of WF SAG. 

I am going to try to fit in blogging, video capture, riding, yoga, meditation and one hundred pushups a day. I will eat local and fresh. I will drink lotsa water and limit IPA consumption. I am bringing two books. 

Everything else, starting NOW, will be part of an exciting new adventure. Ready?


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