Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Glad to be Home

Harris State Park, Brookings, OR sunset. 
I am ashamed. Bogged down with the 270 average miles per day, the download of 3 hours of video, charging of batteries, camping and the occasional ride, something had to give. And what gave was the streak. 


I got back a couple of hours ago, off-loaded Whitey, started a load of laundry and cleaned out the refrigerator where several stages of science projects were well under way. Watered the plants and checked the e-mail account that had not been visited since the grand departure ten days ago. 

Now it is time to start the media transfer and clean up the files consolidating to one external hard drive. It will be interesting to get the actual tally on total media hours where, as mentioned, I think we averaged over three a day. That is thirty hours of video. THIRTY! 

Some of it will be trash. Some will have moisture on the lens from the coastal fog and some will witness the ignoble deaths of tiny insects always wanting to go center stage, or in this case, center lens. But….

There will be moments of absolute brilliance. This is something I refuse to take 100% of the credit for, as it is a fact of outdoor videography that capturing ‘money’ footage is, more often than not, a matter of simply being in the right place at the right time. You know, luck. The old saying, lifted from one of many “Good Lovin’ encores from the Grateful Dead, that ‘even a blind man knows when the sun is shinin’ is particularly poignant in this usage. 

I can tell you from the brief transfer checks that I perform before forever deleting media after transfer (to free memory for the next day’s shoot) that the blind man knew the sun to be shining’ on the lens brightly in:

San Francisco.
The Golden Gate.
Marin Headlands.
Tamalpais (the second take)
Sunsets in Soquel, Astoria, Brookings (see above) and Staircase.
The Redwood Highway.

The plan is to mash it all up into a one hour special video to be premiered at the club (the Bainbridge Athletic Club) as a special video night spin. We are in the negotiation process for the date as we speak, and as always, YOU will be the first to know as soon as the info comes available. 

The laundry is done. I am out of food and the media dump is underway.

To make up for lost time and missing posts, we will renew the streak effective immediately. 

Glad to be home. 

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