Wednesday, August 14, 2019

So Good to See You Again



There were so many highlights that they blend together to form a composite. Isolating just one of the many, like a screen grab, seems an impossible chore but we will try. 

Because we are always willing to try the impossible. One theory  suggests that we consider, experience and report. Go, see, do and tell. 

It was late September of 1993. I was fresh off an eighteen month assignment with a defense contractor working in the Indian Ocean. After traveling through Europe upon completion of contract I flew into LA to visit Mom and my brothers and sisters. While I cannot recall the exact moment that the possibility entered my radar screen of outrageous possibilities, somewhere from the end of contract, past the capitols of Europe and to my stay in LA, the idea was born. Since I am a free man, with money in the bank and a waiting cabin at home in Washington, why not finish off this amazing adventure with a bike ride. Why not ride my bike home, from LA to Seattle? That was the consideration part. The experience was about to follow as part two.

I bought a decent mountain bike, a Raleigh MT300, in Santa Monica (Helen’s Cycles) had it outfitted with aero-bars, panniers and a few other custom attachments and found a cool book on riding the Pacific Coast that provided all the GPS (before that was a thing) necessary for the intrepid cycling pilgrim’s navigational and camping needs. And I was off. 

I can honestly attest that through this experience my life was forever changed. For the better. Returning to the theme of capturing one screen grab highlight, the story unfolds as we hit the small town of Garibaldi, Oregon. 

On my initial trek up the coast, defying all convention to ride from the North, an interesting moment in time presented itself to me for consideration on that magical first into-the-wind trip. It was a stack of rocks just outside Garibaldi. For whatever reason I was struck by their natural splendor and harmonious peaceful presence. I pulled my bike over and shot an entire roll of film, wanting to capture the serenity and zen-ness of the rocks. That was twenty-six years ago. I have often admired one of the shots in my favorite photo album ever since. 

Fast forward twenty-six years to three days ago. I am cruising home from an awesome 2,700 mile trip to Santa Cruz and back. I am blissfully rubber-necking along 101 North and just happen to look to my left and see…… the three rocks. I immediately pull a U-Turn as fast as safely possible, park Whitey and walk the railroad tracks back to the exact place where almost three decades earlier I stood with Kodak Instamatic in hand, shooting for inspiration with fixed-lens auto focus glee. 

The difference is stunning. Or maybe it’s me. I am struck by the difference in the rocks as well as the changes in my consciousness in admiration of them. It is a profound moment. 

I can almost hear them welcome me back. I feel them announce with pride and determination and joy that ‘we’re still here’. 

Yes, my friends, so am I. So good to see you again. 

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