Friday, September 28, 2018

Your Blue Butt

I have (for now) a FB friend who posted today that it is always a great day to be an American. This is the same guy who, when I asked why his home state of Idaho voted red, answered, ‘Mormons’, without pause. The earlier question I asked of him, (we were in his car on a two hour drive back from a ride and had to time to kill) was, ‘do you think we should separate church from state.’ His affirmative response set the stage for my amazement at his round-about connection of the conversational dots. 

Evidently he was pleased that his bullies had their way with America again. Watching the travesty of justice that was televised live yesterday and reaching that response is very telling. Here is what it tells me: MONEY AND POWER ARE MORE IMPORTANT THAN WOMEN, TRUTH OR JUSTICE. 

Why, what possible motivation could Dr Ford have in coming forward to tell her story, her truth, other than, in her own words, a ‘civic responsibility?’ The answer is that there isn’t one. She took those incredibly courageous steps  because they were, it was, the RIGHT THING TO DO. SHE TOLD THE TRUTH. Without underlying motivation for career trajectory, profit, celebrity, ego or ambition. 

Can the same be said of Kavanaugh? 

He is a fraud. He is hiding a deep and ugly secret. The republicans are complicit in this cover-up. To choose his weak testimony to privilege, elitism and the old-boy network over her brave, compelling and absolutely honest testimony only serves to further the commitment to corruption that starts at the top of this sick party of thugs and filters all the way to henchmen like Graham and bagmen like Cruz. How in the world can there not be a single woman on this committee? 

I am sitting and watching with horror as one by one these obscene embarrassments of masculinity took turns pledging allegiance to their medieval codes of honor; intimidation, ridicule, denial, misogyny, arrogance, violence, privilege, power and deceit. It was textbook bullying on a stage that is looked upon more as a job interview than a character background check for a lifetime appointment to a bench ruling on ethics, morals and more important issues than high school football and keggers. 

Try admitting under oath five times that you like beer while being investigated for sex crimes and see if that qualifies you for any position other than a strip club bouncer. This weasel is a Judge?

Finally, this one got me. The republican senator that unfortunately carries the same surname as one of the great presidents, asks if Kavanaugh if he believes in God. He then asks point blank if he has committed the crime of which he is being accused, because this will settle it. Kavanaugh’s hem-haw, lawyerspeak tell us he is doing everything in his power to avoid a direct, outright, look-me-in-the-eye lie. Finally he says, unconvincingly, no. 

He is lying I cry. He doesn’t care one iota about it.  His lying eye's scream 'I am privileged and, by God, I deserve this nomination, regardless of past regressions, sex crimes, or anything else the deep-state left might concoct to keep me from my republican birthright.' Further he brags, 'should I - when I - get to the bench, all you on the left will face the whirl of my vindictive wind.'  

I so wanted him at that deceitful moment to be struck by a bolt of lightning, the instant karma payment for gross corruption and the immediate denial of contrition. 

Today, as most days, I am deeply embarrassed and humiliated to be an american. I cannot even capitalize it anymore. We are that corrupt. We are that sick. We have been so gaslit. 

I have three suggestions. 

1) Get God out of politics.
2) Get the God of Money out of politics. 
3) Get your blue butt to the polls on November 6th. 

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