Sunday, September 2, 2018

O Sole Mio

Two scouting missions upcoming. After a(nother) ‘dark night of the soul’ triggered by my team losing a very winnable contest and being called onto the carpet over my apparent inability to both claim victory and admit defeat, I have decided to gather first-hand intel solo. 

This is primarily due to my waning self-confidence and increasing number of errors of both omission and co-mission. While these errors, and their resulting analysis, are not of life threatening status, they do represent a negative trending, that I feel must be immediately addressed. I feel adrift in a beat-up dinghy, no paddle and torn sails, looking for an alternative method to correct my course. 

The two missions then, represent my faith in movement and my trust in whatever higher vibratory light is available to those who seek it. Move towards the light. 

I stick my arm in the water and the dinghy veers left. 

The TDI. Ten Day Intensive. I had the idea that the TDI’s should be conducted four times a year, meaning 40 of 365, or a little over 10%, each the immediate ten days prior to the official beginnings of spring, summer, fall and winter. Meaning that the fall equinox, this year in the Northern Hemisphere on Saturday Sept 22, is three weeks away. To finish the TDI on 9.22 means starting on Thursday, 9.13. Which just happens to be the day we are riding up Mt. Baker. No problem. 

I want to add a daily meme, in the form of an inspirational quote to each day, a sort of mantra to refer to when the going gets tough. As it surely will. I will begin to assemble the ten later today. I will also design the metrical ‘testing’ protocol to gauge the stat everyone always wants, weight change or body definition. You know, shape. Gross body weight is the most common, and as much as I question BMI, I will add some type of fat percentage, or girth measurement to the overall equation. 

As a review the TDI means strict nutrition, no alcohol, no processed foods, no sugar, no junk. Along with a two-a-day regime adding stretching (yoga) and core strength (lift) to the existing indoor cycling and swimming. We will replace the trauma inducing run with the more forgiving hike. A period of meditation, community service (I like the beach clean) rounds out the intensive. 

I am sure I could recruit a first-response team and head out tomorrow, but I want to give it a solo trial run and have some data to provide as proof of concept. Or maybe I am just afraid of getting it wrong somehow and missing what I see as a great opportunity. That confidence thing wagging a cautionary finger at me again. 

The second mission is, I feel, a little more complex. I was alerted two days ago to a package deal, including RT air, great hotel and rental car in Rome and Sorrento, Italy, all inclusive for $799. Six days. February of ’19. Again, I could easily draft a team, head over and have I am sure a great time. But I want to have the added value of experience in order to honestly sell the tour to others. The only way to do that is to do that. 

And while solo Suzuki remains an excellent marketing jingle (more gals per mile), the more appropriate one here would be O Sole Mio. You are my sunshine. 

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