Friday, July 27, 2018

Let Freedom Ring

Wait, did Speaker ryan (no cap earned) just do something honorable? Did he, without some backstabbing pol hack, deny the slime ball House request to proceed with the impeachment of Dep Director Rod Rosenstein? The man who stands one rung on the management ladder above Special Council Robert Mueller, someone who could be fired if Rosenstein was to be suddenly and heavy handedly (one could say ham fisted here) axed by a partisan cabal of crooked republican toadies trying desperately to save their collective hides? Interestingly enough, this ill-advised, desperate chess move, one cannot move into check, comes simultaneously, incriminatingly, on the same day that cohen, now singing a different tune, tells his mouthpiece that not only one trump but two trumps met with the russians to get the dirt on HRC in 2016. Something, of course, that both blows their denials, knowledge and cover-ups of. There is money involved here folks, and lots of it, there is collusion, criminal activity and intent. We know from history, and are watching again as this embarrassing American nightmare plays out, that not only is blood thicker than water, but rubles weigh more than dollars. This asks but a single question from all Americans, red or blue, rich or destitute, free or incarcerated, educated or not, gay or straight, stoned or sober: 


There are only a few groups of people that will opt for the latter, the party, and they are:

2) Those that have been gaslit,
3) Racists. 

In sum, if you are the moral, ethical, DEMOCRATIC, opposite of everything that this bogus, farcical, disgusting, lying and cheating administration is, if you are honest and hard-working, if you feel that our standing on the global stage is best enhanced by cooperation and diplomacy, pointing towards peace, harmony and sustainability, it you would like to see scientific solutions to climate-change, energy demands, over population and depletion of natural resources, a living wage, affordable health care and accessible education for our kids, if you think kneeling in peaceful protest is not only guaranteed but expected, you can join speaker ryan and do the right thing:

PROTECT MUELLER (and it that takes too long) VOTE THE BASTARDS OUT. 

Let freedom ring (and cohen sing).

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