Sunday, April 1, 2018

It Will End

It will end.

Because any philosophical, social or geo-political argument based on hate, greed or bigotry is unsustainable. People who take the time to connect with their innermost truths know this. It is called right view in the Buddhist texts. The rightful path is the route. When we hear the oft quoted cliche, ‘this too shall pass,’ a particular peace is established in the present moment. Sometimes that moment is the first step down the rightful path creating a lifetime’s worth of motivational harmony. There is flow. There is beauty and there is truth. We see the light and relentlessly move towards it. We be the change, walk the walk and march the march.

The current hegemony is fear based. Fear of losing the things we have established as important accessories in the outfitting of our lives. We must have the house, the car, the thousand dollar phone, the big screen and the eight thousand dollar bike. Debt is collateral damage as we impatiently await the fortune that is our privilege and birthright. Assuming that you are white, male and catholic of course. Compounding the security and status fear is the fear that all the others outside that myopic demographic will suddenly rise up, unite and violently reclaim THEIR destiny. I had this conversation yesterday, albeit ambiguously, with two of my favorite gal friends:

Do you think we will ever fess up?


The us of the US.

You mean about Native Americans?


Probably not.

Fear of being called onto the carpet of historical truth. Australia has the same issues and our dialogue began with a story from Africa.

It will end. But it won’t be soon. The current administration is pushing every button they know to further divide us, black from white, brown from white, yellow from white and red from white. See the pattern? Toss in the same strategy with guns, God and gays, and there is your appalling and pathetic partisan platform.

This is clearly the ‘wrong view’. Even today, a day of Catholic celebration as a cornerstone day in their creation story, the day Jesus rose from the dead, they look the other way to avoid this gross hypocrisy. Take a look at their list of commandments and compare them to the actions of our current leadership.

If this was a baseball metaphor, the team from DC is 0 for 10.

But today is a philosophical metaphor about the positive change we can bring to the current situation. We can see the right view and take the right path.

The hate (fear) will end (subside) when replaced with the right views of tolerance, acceptance, forgiveness and love.

Not a day sooner.

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