Thursday, September 27, 2018

Enjoy your lunch Senators

They are taking a lunch break. Perhaps the most important session, a confirmation hearing on a lifetime appointment to the supreme court, is happening on our watch. 

I will take opportunity as they eat to opine. 

I must start with the undebatable and resolute fact that I was no saint as a teenager. There were times when I had absolutely zero control over my actions while in the grasp of raging hormones and alcohol. I did some stupid stuff and have paid the emotional price ever since. I also have come to recognize that the price that I paid might be far less than the cost of those with me on the back seat of Dad’s car. Or at that party, at the beach or any other place where the merging was not 100% consensual. I truly, to this very moment in time as the committee ponders the testimony of a woman with twice the courage as I, wish that I had acted with more respect, honor, civility and self control than I did. 

That was 48 years ago. Encouragingly, I have learned a few lessons along the way and now enjoy a relative peace in my present circumstance and the way that I view my errors of the past. I wish I had more maturity then as I wish I had more today. It is a process and that is the way that we learn. We are hard-wired to error. The trick, the magic act, is learning from our mistakes, and perhaps even more importantly, to pass along that important data to a younger generation who will inevitably be put in exactly the same situation and have to deal with it themselves. We can be role models and point the proper way through our current actions and counsel from the lessons learned from our errors, sins and failings of the past. We can look to the future by learning from the past. 

Here is the difference between my sordid biography and that of the currently accused. 


There IS the need for a higher standard. There can be no doubt and there can be no skeletons hiding in the closest. This man will rule on a hundred cases at the highest level that impact children, girls, women, Moms and Grandmothers for the remainder of his natural life. If, as the accuser bravely states that he has a history of sexual assault, a drinking problem and now issues with the truth itself, he must be rejected.

If the slim-ball republicans are simply attempting to rush his confirmation through because he will rule on their agenda, pardon the criminals already indicted and eventually the POTUS himself, they are equally complicit. They, these cowardly corrupt senatorial bigots, complicit in this democratic nightmare, must be rejected on November. 

I am no saint. But an unrepentant sinner should not sit on the bench. This I know. 

Enjoy the roast beef senators. 

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