Tuesday, April 3, 2018

You Know the Rest

Back to the drawing board. It has been so long that I can’t remember when my left hip officially started behaving like an angry junk yard dog. Might have been the last ramp up to Ironman. THAT was over ten years ago. It started with the usual soreness, inflammation and diminished range of motion progressing to serious pain during and extreme pain after every ride and especially after every run. Self diagnosis pointed to one of three possible culprits:

1) Iliopsoas,
2) Hip flexors,
3) Tensor fascia litae.

Stretching, foam rolling and downward dog helped to relieve some of the discomfort but never solved the issue from the repair and rebuild standpoint. I reduced my running volume to the point of walking. Now even a 5K hurts so bad I want to drive myself to the ER. In compensation, I ride a lot more, spin class in the morning and PB at night. The low impact, especially the 2x20s at 85% of FTP are tolerable, but it is obvious that if I intend to race again this year, some drastic and successful steps must begin.

Get a professional diagnosis.

Yesterday I leaked the tight hip flexor to gastro-intestinal connection. Yes, I now have both. Kinda makes a guy want to toss hands in air and scream wtf. Yes I suppose it is all part of the process, as soreness, over use injuries and chronic inflammation are all widely known to endurance athletes. Ask any runner or tri-geek about plantar fasciitis and you’ll see.

Get a professional diagnosis.

I want to be more pro-active than simply taking ice and aspirin as remedies. A solution that might be as old school as eight track tapes and rotary phones.

Get a professional diagnosis.

I am tired of making groaning noises every time I stoop to pick something off of the floor.

Get a professional diagnosis.

It hurts when I sit (as it does right now).

You know the rest.

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