Wednesday, June 3, 2020

There is a Reason


Anxious to get started I call Saunders in Virginia and then Davis in Maryland. They have both been busy with training since the messy issue with the former vice president, Saunders taking a Wilderness Advanced First Aid Certification class and Davis accelerated training in operational techniques with identification biometrics. It is great talking with them and sharing the news of our latest mission. I ask them for their scheduled class completion dates and each replies that our charter and its mission always have the priority. I get the pleasurable sensation that this, in our dialect, translates into a firm commitment to the team effort. As we mature and gain experience, the building blocks of growth, it is refreshing to respond to pats on the back instead of kicks to the rear. 

I ask them if we can meet for a detailed presentation of the master plan on Friday. I suggest Langley, Quantico or Annapolis as possible sites, with one vote for the former and one for the latter. Again the tie-breaker, I choose the the power spot on the center, Quantico. 

“We can get the hard part done in a full day and then go out for a nice meal at Barney’s,” I offer as both cause and effect, “I’ll book rooms at the Country Club for Thursday night.”

The easy part settled, I call TOM to get an update. He is out of the office and enjoying the all-too-brief respite before heading back for the official kick-off tomorrow. He is confident in the validity of the operation insisting that his part is a slam dunk. 

“As much as I detest the racist grifter, we need him to run political interference, and I think I have an excellent chance of hitting the bull’s eye with the precise amount of bait to manufacture his consent. The sap will go to any length to oppress the black community and any depth to stuff his coffers with gold.”

Trying not to sound like a patronizing bootlicker, I complement him of being the perfect man for the job, “You are the only guy connected enough, respected enough and trusted enough to pull this off. If you don’t mind me saying so, you were born to play this part.”  His silence tells me I may have failed so I redirect, “Imagine if I was to ask the Senator for this type of a favor, how far would THAT get us?”

Finally he returns to character, reminding me that there still exists a chain of command that must be respected, especially from our positions. That chain, he says, will eventually rust somewhere, creating a weakness that could break at the worst possible moment. “The chain runs up as well as down,” he continues, sounding like the TOM we have a come to revere and respect, “It is up to you and I to ensure the functionality and integrity of those over whom we have control.” 

It takes me exactly twelve-seconds to decipher this rhetorical code into an understanding that he is in reference to The Queen.  

“She has proven herself in every way, she has combat experience, and is a vital asset to the organization. I trust her completely.” 

“I know that Bogart, we all trust your judgement.”

I wait all too impatiently for the other shoe to come dropping down. The inedible following ’but’. 

“But I have to advise you to keep an extra-sharp eye on her. One could argue that her performance in the cyber warfare case was partially due to luck as compared to predominately skill. Had Julie not been in the perfect place at the most opportune time, we would all be unemployed….. at best. I pray she is not in over her head on this one, she has a huge part to play.”

“Sir, with all due respect, there is a reason we call her The Queen of Hearts.” 

“Understood, but in a legal deck that leaves Kings and Aces as spoils.” 

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