Thursday, June 7, 2018

Who Am I?

Quiz of the Day: Who Am I?

I lead an ordinary life. Things are just fine. I have a decent, secure and uninspiring position with a large national company. The house is in good shape as are the cars and my golf clubs. The kids are doing well in school and are healthy. My marriage is stable. We go to Hawaii for two weeks every August. 

I have a recurring dream about being like Indiana Jones. Each morning after the dream I try to decode its meaning and becoming frustrated over my inability to understand it, I deny its validity and push it from my mind. 

I met someone a while back at a local coffee stand that seemed to understand my situation, even offering a few antidotes that seemed too personal to be accidental. It was like this person knew exactly what I was going through and was offering their similar experience as quasi-instruction. 

Now I eagerly look forward to our meetings where a threshold of sorts has apparently been crossed. One from which there is no return.

I am being tested. I feel as if this is a pivotal point in my life, I have a decision to make, perhaps THE most important one I will ever have to make. 

Some of the ‘tests’  that stem from our conversations are in areas I call ’non-traditional’, where questions of spirit, light, power, morals, ethics and meaning emerge. 

I feel a shift in purpose as if I need approval from my innermost self who is seeking a higher cause. 

Suddenly there is an ordeal. Why is this happening now, when everything was so ordered and normal? 

Clearly I see the rewards possible if the proper choice is made. Not the easy choice, but the one that asks a deeper understanding of life and its sacred truths. 

This is my rite of passage. I stand at the crossroads. I hold a noble cause. I am ready to do battle. 

I return home. Everything has changed, yet nothing has changed.

I now have the same power, experience and wisdom shared with me by that stranger at the coffee stand. 

Who am I?

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