Saturday, June 9, 2018

Baa Baa

If human society loses the value of justice, the value of compassion, the value of honesty, the next generation will face greater difficulties and more suffering. Therefore, although bringing about inner change is difficult, it is absolutely worthwhile to try. What is important is to try our best. Even if we do not achieve what we want, at least we will have made the attempt on the basis of love and less selfishness. Dalai Lama  

The paradox of synchronized serendipity as a virtue when in the context of corruption has consumed my fragile sense of balance. Consider the thought that popped into my consciousness this morning as we merrily went through our spinning progressions:

The person in power bereft of compassion is nothing but a tool for fascism.  Please allow me to explain, especially if you happen to lean right. 

At this juncture in the sometimes sordid, sometimes spectacular history of our country, it should come as no big surprise that many things are kept out of the public’s eye. As much as we all agree (on paper) to the importance of a free press, the current administration tries, often successfully, to slide sensitive things by us, a political sleight of hand if you will. The old ‘now you see them and now you don’t’ ploy from the magic wag the dog bag of tricks. While this technique certainly isn’t new, the level and volume in the last 500 days has reached critical mass. Here are two examples for submission:

Exhibit A: Take a stab at how many bombs we drop on our geo-political enemies every day? (Answer below).

Exhibit B: You know those babies incarcerated in a Texas Wal-Mart? Wanna guess where their Mothers are? (Answer also below).

What forced this deep reflexion on this humanitarian atrocity, was the combination of our soulless attitudes towards it and the rule of law. I went to a news site for verification that indeed a thousand or so un-documented Moms were flown stealthily into our backyard yesterday and sentenced to confinement in cages, exactly like their babies, in cages at an abandoned warehouse. In the site’s comments section there was the usual arguments from both sides. The left calling bs and the right saying it’s the law. 

As it was before 0600 when I was perusing, my reason took a rare win over the emotions, and I decided to pass on a knee jerk response until some additional thought could be processed and refined, defended and researched, tweaked and polished. 

Hence I came away with the above commentary, which I will repeat in case you missed in on your first skim-thru. 

The person in power bereft of compassion is nothing but a tool for fascism.  

If one blindly follows the letter of the law, without giving it a second validating thought or paying it proper cognitive, moral and ethical diligence, one is nothing but a sheep in the flock of the corrupt shepard’s flock. Which is, of course, EXACTLY WHAT THE SHEPHERD WANTS. 

Anyone, shepards included, who asks of the people to do what they say vice what they do, is a soulless, cowardly, conning neo-fascist prick. 

Anyone, politicians included, who create situations where their power, prestige and profit is increased at the expense of the suffering of others is both scoundrel, sinner and scumsack. 

Begging the questions, in answer form, why are we dropping 150 bombs per day on innocent bystanders (called collateral damage?) And why do we allow the separated Mothers of innocent children to be flown 2,000 miles away to Tacoma, WA and put in cages? 

Racism and bigotry when coupled with utter lack of compassion gives you this rancid mutton ugliness. 

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