Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Laugh a Lot

Of the many steps we take towards the goal of trigger discovery, the identification of those causes that affect the regular beating of our hearts, the one that is most often cited as a ‘usual suspect’ is stress. 

Yesterday after a particularly challenging spin set, one of the regulars and I exchanged notes. She has a family history of heart disease with occasional bouts of A-Fib. Her heart rate was erratic on warm down as we spoke. Yes, Mom had it and three brothers all have had had surgeries, stents and procedures. It has been a long and sometimes scary road with the potholes seemingly deeper and in greater number of late. I took a stress test last month in Hawaii and they noticed some issues of concern. 

Red lights flash and sires sound. Here is what I have found I begin, ‘The fact that it runs in your family is the number one indicator of probability and although we like to think that a healthy life style, active and well fueled, will combat the condition, there are two factors working overtime against that, one is your already acknowledged DNA and two is the dynamic duo of age and stress. The one thing I can say unequivocally, up to and including it being true 100% of the time in 100% of the people, is that you are one day older today than your were yesterday. That pattern will repeat until it is no longer relevant. Number two is stress, and the management thereof. As much as it pains me to say, to admit that the upward trending of higher consciousness and human compassion has abruptly reversed with the insidiousness of this new so-called administration, all they have done bedsides con the american public and enrich their friends and families, is create tons more psychic stress. On all of us. Unless we launch an immediate and effective counter-terrorist campaign to manage the relentless barrage of vile activities originating from the WH, we dramatically increase the odds of stress related arrhythmia. These thieves and liars are actually killing us. 

So what do we do?

First we vote them out. That is the big picture, the micro, and just as urgent, is you and your health. Manage stress to a higher rate of potential success. How?

First, please get a good diagnosis. Second, do you meditate or do yoga? Yes on yoga no on meditation, I don’t think I could, my mind is, ah, over-active. 

Let’s try this, it is a great way to get started. It is called counting breaths. I do it every day before rising and I think it helps a lot. 

Relax to the most effective level you can, really let go, feel your feet, your toes, your knees, the inflammation in your lower back, and the energy in your heart. Calm your mind and still the rate of flashing thoughts. Slow down and put yourself in a safe and secure zone of comfort and calm. 

Now breathe in deeply using your nose and hold that breath for a second or two THINKING OF NOTHING BUT THAT BREATH. Witness your mind’s response. It will rebel like a spoiled child and start screaming for attention. This is what we call practice and why it sometimes takes months or years to advance. But stay with it. Exhale and number that in and out as ONE. Repeat till ten. If your mind gets you lost, just start over. It is my experience that much like encouraging the adaptation process through our regular spin practice, we improve ‘quieting the mind’ in a similar way. This process of counting breaths is the best way I know of managing stress and taking charge of our health, both physical and spiritual. 

I have yet to prove that stress is a trigger with my A-Fib but the two things I do when deep in it is to relax, lay down and count breaths, and make sure I am properly hydrated. Air and water. 

Get a good professional diagnosis and manage stress effectively. Make an appointment and count to ten in the morning. 

Pull the trigger. And laugh a lot. 

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