Friday, June 22, 2018

Doesn't Matter

Doesn’t matter.

Yesterday’s essay on two people that I admire, Jerry Garcia and Bruce Lee, created a maelstrom of debate when I verbally opened up the topic for discussion after our evening 2x20 session in the PowerBarn. Naturally, I suspect, because attempts such as these invariably become debates on who is ‘the greatest’, ‘the best’ or the one with most accumulated notoriety. 

That was never my point. The disclaimer being that the initial piece was outlined as back-story to bring a philosophical action point into the running narrative that beats at the heart of this arrhythmic blog. Those two prolific artists combined their unique talents to sent millions of important messages into the stratosphere of global consciousness, attempting to push humanities collective curiosity upward, and I, innocently, intercepted one memo with a simultaneous internal explosion of the miraculous, the magical and the mysterious. I was, to keep the alliteration metaphorical, moved. 

Moved by the power Garcia held in his heart and the beauty Lee combined with his graceful movements. That one-two punch can be visualized by using any Garcia solo (I’ll take The Wheel)  over Lee spinning, leaping, kicking in total control of his every lean muscle. This was the impact on my soul as I heard the arpeggio of truth while practicing the dynamic beauty of focused, relaxed movement. This in a tropical paradise under the shimmering light of a summer’s full moon. 

Just one in a series of special events that orchestrated and sculpted, literally, the person I have become. That moment and those guys played a part in the shaping of my character for which I will always be grateful, proud even. It was such a beautiful moment in time that to do anything other than share it, would place my responsibilities, what Millman and his Peaceful Warriors call ‘house rules’, in the category of the totally unacceptable. It would be like many of today’s politicians who KNOW better, but DO nothing. Garcia and Lee were two examples of artists having both the knowledge in music, martial arts, philosophy, sociology and poetry combined with the wisdom in the ways and means to share it with the world.

For that I feel like I should return their grand gesture with a gentle note of appreciation. That was the story, paying it forward. 

Not whether Clapton played quicker scales (he could) or who would be the last man standing if Norris went into the ring of fire with Bruce (he did). They have their own (and awesome) stories. They are extremely gifted as well and each have made substantial contributions to our culture and consciousness. Think of the combinations that have moved you. Think thunder and lightning. 

Not the best, the most popular or the all-time leader. But the ones who made a difference, who somehow caught the attention of your spirit and planted a seed there. Anything else…..

.....doesn’t really matter anyway. 

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