Saturday, April 27, 2019

The Next Lightning Bolt

Everything is good - unless it isn’t. And then we isolate and improve. Move the needle from the unsat towards the satisfactory. And then to OK. And then to very OK and then to outstanding. Most of the time, in my experience, as soon as we move one piece onto solid ground, another issue pops up like so many high-desert geysers. The secret is in acceptance of the ten thousand things and their magnet-like capacity to find us. Please do not try to hide. They will seek you out. Do not attempt to outrun because they run faster than the speed of light. Do not deny for they will beat you to a pulp with the truth.

The tactic of choice is the awareness of their presence and the translation of the deeply coded message they bring. They come for a reason, they deliver a vitally important, urgent and powerful directive. It is our job to put the message into perspective and then into practice. 

Should you be in the accelerated program you might get the decode right on the first attempt. If not, don’t panic, you will get it delivered as many times as necessary until you do. Once understood and proof of concept demonstrated, you get another test. One that builds on the former. Like stacking building blocks. One does not start at the top. 

Applications of this amazing cosmic phenomena can be seen in every situation and circumstance, the evolution of which spans alpha to omega, top to bottom and first to last and fore to aft. Consider for one moment your personal trajectory. Can you recall with clarity the handful of turning points, or what Gladwell calls tipping points, that have conspired to create the person that you have become? Or, perhaps better yet, what messages are you still struggling to decode? Are the same situations, issues, headaches, challenges, injuries, defeats, rejections, frustrations (and their adjacent excuses) the same ones that have been hanging around for (pick one) days, weeks, months, years, decades, lifetimes? 

We are all offered lightening bolts of inspiration on a regular schedule. Sooner or later we must make a decision to grab one. We need to search the echo chambers of our souls and act on our highest values. This, like any other endeavor, physical, emotional of spiritual, is something we can practice. And practice and practice until it becomes a habitual default part of our being. Making one bold, definitive and empowering positive choice puts us closer to the next one, an even more important and organically purer one. Once this practice gets rolling with some high-octane universal mojo everything starts to make more sense. Things fit better. Relationships contain more respect and jobs turn to labors of love. Everything, those ten thousand things mentioned above, all have a proper place and time. And we know it. We are part of it. One with it. 

There is no escape. You cannot be outside of this. There is no outside to fit into. 

When those lightening bolts strike, use them. Act on the decoded intel. Align yourself with the power of the universe. This is a huge responsibility. Some won’t be up to the task. Their tests will be repeated until they have successfully solved the mystery. Likewise it is our responsibility to assist them as they progress. I am doing that, perhaps, right now. Maybe, maybe not. Effort, as we have seen, is the perfection we seek. Make your effort pure and the results will always be appropriate. 

Somebody is always listening, someone always asking. No two of us are on exactly identical points on the life chart. I have my questions. I have my challenges. My daily practice is in negotiating graceful movement through this magical process. The one thing that I consider myself fairly good at - is in sensing the approach of the next lightning bolt. 

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