Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Choices III: Consent

Day Three: Options.

We always have them. Even in situations most dire or under extreme stress. But please don’t take my word for it. Ask Viktor Frankl:

“Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms — to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.” 

To choose one’s own way. As in the direction of our goals, the path that we take in getting there, and the attitude we boldly follow or drag behind us. As I am now fond of echoing in spin class, we are always just a single decision away from, pick as many as apply:


Or we can choose their flip-side counterparts, despair, anger, greed, intolerance, indulgence, violence… get the idea. It is hard for me to even talk about. But if awareness of any issue is the first step towards its rectification, then by all means let’s talk. 

This is my truth today. It is my choice. I choose to be happy. Despite all the arguments for the prosecution. I will defend my choices by calling witness to awareness and love. Going first, leading by example, showing the way. Those will attract an army of like-minded followers. More than any dictator can strong-arm a frightened populace by drawing on the sword. We draw upon peace. As Gandhi said,’we don’t fight war with peace, we peace with peace.’ 

But greedy and corrupt politicians always seem to spoil the party. Who elects them? This reality has never been as prevalent as it is today. They don’t even try to hide it anymore, instead banking on the deep hatred and resentment of an ignorant and suddenly emboldened core. Sadly the same freedom that we are guaranteed through our 250 year-old constitution to seek life, liberty and pursue happiness as well as to act with dignity, respect and compassion, is theirs also. We are all free to choose. Once can attend college, get a job and raise a family or one can watch TV, grab a gun and shoot someone he sees as the enemy. Hate it when a period ends with a sentence. 

It is our choice. And with choice comes responsibility. The first amendment does not allow one to scream FIRE in a crowded auditorium as the second (imho) does not guarantee stockpiling an arsenal of automatic weapons. Protection is different from revenge, strength from paranoia and self-defense from aggravated assault. 

We, as human beings, are prone to making mistakes. We fuck up. Often.  Sometimes catastrophically so. 

Make good choices. Practice. Start now. What might you be doing at this very moment to push a peace agenda? It all starts with one. One thought, one action, one bright flash of inspiration. 

Our choice today is to see how many others we can influence by our actions. Take charge. Manufacture some consent. 

I promise to do similar. 

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