Thursday, April 4, 2019

Lucy in the Sky Survey

The List and the Survey. Modern equivalents of basic duties once demanded of town criers and wandering minstrels. Or Gypsies and Buskers. 

Truth be proclaimed: I am fans of both, all actually. 

We love lists. Probably mostly as validation of our existing opinions, beliefs or bias. Top Ten lists are particularly emphatic be they College Football, restaurants, French impressionists or Southern Rock bands. 

Surveys, while light-years behind lists as sexy, are a precursor to them. Tell us what you think about our product or service and we’ll increase the sample size to better graph brand trending and popular culture. The peoples court of public opinion.  If a single note is the survey, a smash hit is the top-ten list. Yin and Yang, one following the other as natural progression. 

It is with these two as impetus that we launch something I am a little surprised we haven’t flirted with prior. The results of the survey will then be used to create the list. I am doing this because I already make way too many assumptions about my preferences in the combination of exercise, specifically, indoor cycling, to the musical accompaniment therewith. 

Those of you having any historical familiarity whatsoever with this blog already know that my musical tastes prefer what in the biz is known as classic rock. I am also partial to folk rock, the aforementioned Southern rock, Blues, Mo-Town and fusions of all types. Oh, yeah and jam bands. Having tried, unsuccessfully, to incorporate jazz and classical into sets, and not being a fan of rap, hip-hop or anything modern, I have in fact cornered myself into a limited range of any genera reasonably considered ‘new’. Sure I can, and do, create fresh play lists for almost every class, digging deep into catalogues embedded with the mold of long forgotten toe-taps and sing-alongs, but really, if every set list contains a silly love song from the Fab Four, during the British Invasion and first released as a 45, am I, as DJ, unintentionally restricting the opportunity for audience appreciation? 

As much as we talk lovingly about this golden era of rock, does my core demographic secretly wish for the occasional Britney Spears, Byonce or Taylor Swift? I have no idea. None. My assumption is that if they wanted some they would ask. 

Those being the facts it is with great interest that we launch, A) The Survey, and from it, B) The List.

I am going to create a print out of tomorrows class listing every tune and asking for a response. Thinking about a simple 1-5, one being intolerable, and five being a keeper. After three sessions, which will include the there main demographics of class participants, I’ll tabulate the results and create, ta-da, the Top Ten as generated by the spinning proletariat. 

Won’t THAT be fun? 

I will share with you tomorrow the first set-list (should you choose to participate electronically), and all subsequent others. 

Please be advised that each will contain one Beatles tune. 

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