Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Mueller Agrees

Another Pandora’s Jar has, officially, been opened. I suppose it has been sitting atop the coffee table of my consciousness for a while now, and although I am not sure what prompted its current attention, but something did and now its call I cannot ignore. Dog and stick. 

It is the jar of truth. Not so much that it contains any, more that it could. Prompting the further investigation into what all that means. And to whom.

If you have been following along these many days, weeks, months, years, you will know that I have great respect for the tellers of truth. And an equally large disdain for those telling un-thruths. I am also head over heels enamored with facts. I try on a daily basis to find tiny, sometimes so minuscule as not to be seen, connections with my personal passions, to validate my understandings of truth, beauty, love, reason, logic and meaning. And of course how they support the combination of used transmissions and neurotransmitters of my drive train. 

How can I use this to our advantage? How can I spin the myriad mysteries of magic into something tangible and motivating to either myself as a mystic or my group as a cult? After all, if there is one thing we have learned, and hopefully agree on, is that it is all connected. Everything. Therefore what is my connection to truth?

Yesterday when I heard during a Joseph Campbell seminar on tape that the great Friedrich Nietzsche claimed that there is no truth only interpretation, I almost ran my poor little Ranger into the ditch. WHAT?

The reasons being that, until now, I have held my opinion of the truth to be in stark contrast with that of the fake president. Would you like to debate whether or not he has lied to us after taking a vow to do exactly the opposite while in office? The Washington Post counted them up and his un-truths, false claims, exaggerations and gross simplifications, not to mention outright lies, totaled over 3K, a new record. No asterisk required. 

My research has provided an interesting hypothesis as well as answering one question that keeps popping up in my search for whys. As in, if this fraud has lied to us (all of us) over 3,000 times and still has 40% of the USA, and 80% of the house and senate believing (or buying into) them, where is the truth? Or, what is the truth? Or how can they agree knowing that he is bull-shitting them? 

Because the facts (remember those?) don’t matter to them, nor does the truth. Their truth is that he is giving them what they want; the GOP is giddy with the gold all this corruption has placed at their door, the prestige of the spoils, and the power to lie, steal, cheat and bully all those they can. And that 40% only wants someone to blame their failings on, people of color, liberals, women, gays to name a few. Oh and Jesus and guns too. Whew, almost left those two off the list. Jesus is Lord and owns ten AR-15s and you better believe. 

That is their truth. Those are their facts. Anything other is fake news even if proven and authenticated. 

The reason that I isolate these is to bring another one from the table into view. It is the jar (and box) that holds this truth to be self evident, that if:

Your truth hurts people, causes unnecessary pain or suffering, divides people into fearful and violent factions, if your truth praises profit at the expense of people, pollutes the planet in search of more, and discriminates anyone for anything, your truth is a lie and you embody criminal intent. 

That is my interpretation anyway. And I will wager that Bob Mueller agrees. 

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