Saturday, May 30, 2020

Five Minutes Tardy


Fresh from a deep sleep I start a pot of coffee and head to the shower. Once the odor of herbal shampoo wears down the suite is overtaken by the magical aroma of freshly brewed Italian roast. My job this early morning is to detail the final edit of the document and have it ready for presentation by 0800. 

First cup of Joe just to the right of my laptop, I launch the program, navigate through the encryption and steady myself for the task. I like the play. Sure, there are areas in question, risky segments and the need for everything to go perfectly according to Rube Goldberg rules, BUT, I like the odds. 

I am, however, undecided over the TMC protocol. This quandary needs resolution fast as its implication will determine a number of events that sooner or later must be resolved. The success of the mission rests solely on this singular decision and its subsequent execution. The issue is further clouded by the dynamic that all three of my co-authors have varying opinions on this specific matter, one saying yes, one advising no and one cautioning a maybe. It is my call and the time for that decision is now. 

As quickly as I sat, determined focus to finish the opus, I stand to stretch hoping in some mystical, magical or miraculous way to wring an answer from stretched muscle groups. After all, I consider, the dynamic tension and release of yoga was originally used as preparation for deep meditation and meditation sometimes leads to enlightenment. I need to accelerate this process and get to the mountaintop of enlightenment in less than an hour. 

With a firm commitment and a motivated sense of urgency, experienced climbers are said to find the ability, known technically as dynamic flow-state, to scale peaks once considered impossible. The apex of that hill is my target. 

Step one is always step one. Get started and then keep moving. I return to my desk and follow the lead of the cosmic sherpa. 

Believing in the tangential powers of a pure heart and honesty being the best non-political policy, I decide to bare our souls to TOM and pray for his understanding and support. Without either we are up the legal creek without a good paddle or a cheap lawyer. 

I finish the final edit, make the corrections and send the document to the waiting threesome. I give then one hour to scan and absorb before our 0800 conference call. I use that time to go for a run, fifteen hard minutes out and a recovery pace back. 

At exactly 0800 I initiate the call. Julie in, Harlan in and the Queen not answering. Nonplussed I begin with a few ground rules mostly concerning variations to the existing structure and any major suggestions on format deviation. The decision on TMC protocol is final. Debates will be ended after five minutes and may the force be with us. I am completing my opening remarks when the Queen logs on with an apology for being late. She is advised of our rules and hopefully reads between the lines from my tone of voice that it is both executive and judicial. 

It is 0805.

We begin the most important conversation of our professional lives five minutes tardy. 

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