Saturday, October 5, 2019

Let's Walk

Two minute warning
I like deadlines. Working against the clock, little margin for error. DRAMA. You get to test the true nature of your abilities, or at least get an update on their current status. There exists robust connectivity between focused effort on a project and maxing out on a high-intensity interval. In order to accomplish either primary object one must rehearse the myriad individual elements that comprise the final output. We call this practice, and it is invaluable whether you are mastering a video (for a rapidly approaching debut), prepping for an event or simply adding consistency to your quality of life mix. Paint, pigment, film, glass, clay, brushes, pens, knives and a keen, clear concept of the elements of design are cousins to speed, power, endurance, focus, presence and flow. They are both artistic expressions of our current relationship to time, space, truth and beauty. Or, perhaps easiest to say, seeing the body as art.

Yet, while we can produce works of art with prolific regularity, we only get one body. One.

With this reality in mind, it is suddenly apparent to me that the clock is running. I have, you have, only so many days remaining. I believe it our spiritual responsibility to act as good stewards to both our bodies and the world upon which we toil. I fervently believe that finding the harmony and balance between our minds, our bodies and our spirits is as important a job as earning a living, going to church or getting an MBA. Equally important and frustratingly urgent is our ability to outwardly expand the wisdom that sees everything connected and all as one. It doesn’t take a lot of projection to connect the dots of profit-driven pollution to the dots of environmental catastrophe. If you need additional evidence that we are all connected with the seas and the trees as much as we are with each other, consider the implication that the spoiling of our planet will have upon us.

There is your drama. The countdown timer we call the doomsday clock is about to explode. When it does it will include the rich and the poor as well as the white and the black. Everyone and everything.

I guess we could give up hope and flail away with fatalistic apathy in numbed out comatose. Or pretend this emergency is a hoax dreamed up by the radical left. Or arrogantly and aggressively build concrete fortress', stockpile gold bars and hire armies to protect our castles. If that sounds a bit like a Medieval horror story and not twenty-first century America, we begin to see the scope of the challenge. And yes we have found the enemy and yes he is us.

I have a solution.

As is our aspiration, we lead by example. We walk the walk. Let’s start walking. Let’s take such exquisite care of our bodies and our homes that those walking past, or watching at home on big screens, can’t help but be inspired and (eventually) ask to join. If we can inspire enough people with motivation and support, the organic energy created will overflow into even the darkest and most fearful communities. Maybe the power of our combined truth will convince the haters that we have one last chance, a Hail Mary final play.

When I say that I like deadlines, I was in reference to the creative, industrial, project sense. But in this case, literally with our planet at stake along with the 7.6 billion of us calling it home, with the clock winding down at an alarming rate, there should be no other conversation.

Let’s walk.

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