Saturday, March 3, 2018

Wrong Answer

Wrong answer.

In the global arena, the mega spotlight of the NFL, or in the comfort and safety of your own den, winning defined as 'easy' is not winning at all, but the misguided understanding of an immature, dull bully.

If you have been following my threads over the last ten years, you already know the direction I am taking this abbreviated post. Robbing the poor to pay the rich is not winning. Encouraging police brutality, deporting hard-working parents, allowing big oil to pollute the drinking water of Native Americas, bombing the beJesus out of civilians, re-opening banking loopholes to further enrich Wall Street, backing the NRA's assault on our children, re-upping the irresponsible and futile war on drugs, denying aid packages to areas ransacked by nature, selling America's national parks to the highest bidder, blocking technology, denying science, promoting white supremacy, hiring every member of one's extended family, belittling women and promoting grotesque treatment, IS NOT WINNING EITHER.

Anyone thinking so, needs to re-examine their core beliefs. If you can find any mention that advocates this type of behavior anywhere in any chapter or verse, then spin it to suit your sinful intentions, you need help.

So I will attempt to provide some. Here is the definition of winning that satisfies both hearts and souls. You can do with your body as you please.

Winning is doing your absolute best to achieve a wholesome result on a level playing field and with the highest intentions for yourself, your team, your fans as well as the fans, teams and participants of those you are in 'competition' with.

Every runner knows this. It is, sadly, taught without great success in schools, It is the antithesis of what we call the Lombardi Factor. Because it ISN'T just about having the highest score, the larger number of points, or the most runs, or the larger share of the profit pie, IT IS ABOUT HOW YOU GOT THERE. Morals, ethics, integrity and character all play big parts. Every wrestler knows this.

If you have to cheat to win, you haven't. If you have to lie, you lose. If you manipulate, coerce, collude, bully, badger or buy, you finish last and you have embarrassed yourself and everyone associated with you.

The lessons we need to teach our kids, a lesson they will get on their own eventually, is that honest, focused, altruistic effort will be rewarded and that the goal is not to get rich or die trying', it is to play hard and fair, learn from our mistakes, improve and appreciate how the opponents we face make us better with their own brand of style and acumen.

When your president boasts that trade wars are easy to win. It is……

…..the wrong answer.

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