Saturday, August 11, 2018

Extreme Power

Someone once said that we are always one choice away from happiness. 

As you may know, or may have surmised, happiness is big on my list. While perhaps not challenging Hall and Oates for inclusion on the list of the best things in life, there are not many things finer than a gift-wrapped box of happiness. Now, if that box contains your kiss, we got a story here! 

Yesterday, in another chat in a series of discussions about the meaning of all this (life), I entered the space known as ‘out there’. ‘Out there’ is a colloquialism for ‘topics more metaphysical, philosophical and abstract than utilitarian and/or practical. It has been suggested that I spend most of my time either there, getting there or returning from there. I like it there. There is where its at. 

In the summary stage of yesterday’s debate, I opened with an intro I normally save for special occasions. The ‘I will give you a rendition of the sum of my experience’ intro. Please be advised that this is a gamble and should be used only in time of dire need and/or emergency. Think about what you might say to talk your brother off the ledge type of emergency and you’ll get the gist. 

Try it for yourself; Open another tab, use the text edit app and script what you might say to a depressed individual you know well and WHO needs ONE SENTENCE of your best motivational inspiration. In other words, or using another example, write THE MOST IMPORTANT THING YOU HAVE LEARNED ABOUT LIFE IN YOUR TIME HERE. Then deliver it as an actor in a TV drama might. 

Here was my take: Dude (not a good start) this is what I have discovered in the 66 fucking (not a helpful adjective at this juncture) years I have been stumbling along in the darkness. Of all the mistakes, errors, missed opportunities and outright fuck-ups I am guilty of, I maintain that I am just one decision away from having the secrets of the universe given to me. Just one. I have the power at any time along this rough and rocky road to choose what I will do and how I will feel about it. Based upon the commitment I have made to myself and whatever higher power might be amused by it, to seek happiness, contentedness, and truth above all other possible rewards. I trust this process so completely that it allows me to conduct daily, hourly, experiments with my power to enact change. To actually bring about radical paradigm shifts in human consciousness that address the truth and power of two primary concepts, those of gratitude and forgiveness. If (I know that is a big if) I can truly be grateful for whatever challenge the cosmos has sent to me as a tool for my growth, and forgive those that may have had a part in the creation of some form of  suffering, I set the stage for, well, getting a clear image of the meaning of life. The road to nirvana runs through hell. If you are in it and want to get out (not everyone wants to) YOU ARE ONE CHOICE AWAY. Make the choice, take one step towards the light and KEEP GOING. With that single courageous decision and proof of sincerity (that first step) you will have enlisted the most powerful energy known to our universe as your ally. Everything changes when everything changes. Choose your path, decide on happiness as your goal. Pick yourself up and take that first step. You cannot fail. But you must act. 

I know that is more than a single sentence. One of there reasons why I spend so much time ‘out there’ is that it is so difficult to summarize. It is like capsulizing man’s entire body of knowledge in one subtle phrase. You end up with a run-on sentence light-years away from the black hole of eternity. 

Still, we persevere. We search and fight the good fight. We try to find OUR meaning. I feel an obligation to help. To assist others along their search and, if nothing else, to help with reducing their unnecessary suffering. 

I think about 90% of it is unnecessary. 

You are one choice away from Extreme Power. 

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