Saturday, August 18, 2018

Broken Records

Beartooth Pass, MT
I will skip the reasons why the streak was snapped, and get to the present directive on where we go from here. After all, who wants to talk about a record that was? Be like baseball fans wanting to talk about Babe Ruth instead of Bad Henry Aaron. Unless, of course there was chancery along the way, then it is imperative that we do talk about the Bambino over Bonds or McGuire and their juiced numbers. Records are made to be broken, that is why we admire them so much. A streak is only as good as its memory. 

We had a good run at it, missing only a few days due to RG’s passing, and now the WSVT, Western States Video Tour, all 2,500 miles and five sleep-deprived days of it. Just time enough at the completion of each segment to download video, charge batteries, grab some protein and try to relax. Even with an hour or two of ‘free time’ I opted for rest and planning the next days route over blogging. So sorry.

I saw some weird shit out there to be sure. 

And not just the weird shit that any true blue All-American bleeding heart liberal retired hippie philosopher might consider odd, but some real, honest to goodness, down to earth, red-neck Nascar PBR blue-collar cowboy dipshit weird. Folks, it is an all together different planet out there once one travels outside the insular confines of Seattle’s liberal bubble. Yo. In a monumental test of patience and tolerance I forced myself to listen to right-wing radio along several hundred of the aforementioned miles. Guess what I learned?


To the level I never thought imaginable. I mean, serious FUBAR. 

But you knew that, right? The one takeaway I will share today in the first of my make-up posts is that there seems to be one glaring difference between red radio and blue radio. Conservative hosts will provide you with your point of view as if you don’t have the intelligence to develop one on your own, while the lefty leads give you the opportunity to make up your own mind after the facts are presented. Big difference. Huge. 

I am glad to be back. It was fun, I have many stories and tons of video. It was smokey but from the samples that I have seen it looks like I’ll be able to pull some decent footage. The color correction needs to go from red to blue. 

This is a story that needs to be told and I am honored to have this small part to play in the telling. This is not about hate it is about hope. 

Stay tuned, this might will happen fast. 

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